Suffering Servants: Conversations of the Unspoken

Hearers But Not Doers, Deceive Themselves - Walther

May 10, 2024 Rev. Tyler Cronkright

After a big transition for the pastors, we are BACK! In the beginning of our sermons we often pray, "Lord, help us to become more than just hearers of the Word, but doers of it as well. Amen." Today we talk about what that means. Church Father CFW Walther writes a sermon in 1849 about the dangers of JUST hearing the Word and going through the motions. As the apostle James will say, "faith without works is dead." Hearing and believing the Word will inevitable lead us to "doing the Word." Of course, we know that it is not us doing the good works, but the Holy Spirit in us, brought upon by hearing the Word, that does the Word in us. Have a listen!

Interested in more Walther? Buy the book that Pastor Nick and Pastor Tyler have HERE

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